Back in 2020, when I first started working on this idea, I wanted an old cinder block finish inside and out. Now, using true mini cinder blocks would be extremely expensive and make for a heavy build. Egg carton brick is one of my favorite finishes, but I didn’t like the look of egg carton cinder block after I started. So, I’m trying something different this time: sandpaper over cardboard.
To make things easier, I’ve purchased a roll of 180 grit sandpaper already cut to 1 inch wide (as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases). Since it is a thinner material than I want, I also bought a roll of upholstery cardboard tack strip that is 1/2 inch wide.

Since the sandpaper is the length I want and the tack strip is the width I want, making the individual blocks should be pretty straightforward. I glued the tack strip to the back of the sandpaper, then snipped with scissors. Rinse, repeat. A whole lot of repeat….

I have a vision of where I want to end up, now it’s just a matter of trying out some techniques to get there. Making up a sample board seems to be a good place to start. I added a layer of spackling over the blocks, dragging a dowel between the blocks to mimic mortar, then painted grey.

I think I finally have it.