Zombie apple cookies

October 17, 2021

In continuing with my polymer clay adventures, I thought I would make some poison apple cookies to go with my poison apple cake. Well, the best laid plans….

After forming the apple cookies, painting on the green icing and then adding the black icing, all was going well. Until the black icing shifted more than expected during baking.

This is what I was going for, and this is the only one that turned out like my vision.

The remaining are these. I thought they were outright fails, until I showed them to my miniaturist group and they raved about them. :D  Sometimes I think people are just being nice, but in this case, they bought them all up save four! It made me feel better about my perceived failure and turned these into a happy accident. Thus, the zombie apple cookie was born.

I did end up putting some sets on etsy if anyone else is taken with these zombified cookies.


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