I’ve finally snagged my own fantastic craigslist deal on a vintage kit….a Woodline Victorian House for $12. No, that’s not a typo.

It’s a huge, gorgeous thing. Here’s one for reference called Pop’s Dollhouse. Yes, I am still selling the Newport for being too large, so this one is going to sit for a long time.
I actually had no idea what it was, just that the box said Woodline Products. For $12, it was worth the gamble.

I was hoping for the Prairie Manor, but this was a good result, too. It’s just not a house I was looking to find.
The kit is still packed the way it was shipped, though the outer box was falling apart. I unpacked it in the garage to make sure there weren’t any nasties lurking inside and packed it in a new box.

The foundation pieces have these tiny holes…from the little bit of research I’ve done online, looks like powderpost beetle activity. All other wood in the kit is pristine, and this looks like a long dormant issue. Still, I’m inclined to pitch the foundation boards and cut new ones. They are simple straight boards, and I’m not keen on treating a dollhouse with harsh chemicals (I have small pets not to mention caring about my own health). Yes, it’s still in the garage. I’m going to watch it the next couple of days to see if there is any change, but I doubt there will be.

Of course, I could do something like this with it. :D Oh, I don’t know…