Wee “c” Miniatures Show – 2012

November 10, 2012

I went to the last local miniature show last night, and it is still going on today, the Wee “c” Miniatures Show.  I went with a modest cash budget and came home with extra funds. Unfortunately, most of my receipts didn’t have store names and the show program didn’t have a map of vendors, only a list of names.

Patricia M. Wehmeier Miniatures – she has a wonderful collection of vintage and unusual items, and I’ve purchased from her before at other shows. I bought from her a white vase and a set of colorful stacking bowls.  The basket is an Al Chandronnait creation from Greenhouse Miniatures (no website).

This unusual chair is also from Patricia.

I plan to paint it since the shiny mahogany finish doesn’t do it any justice.  :]

I also bought a fun wheelie bin from her table.

The same vendor where I bought the basket from had some nicely priced white china – Greenhouse Miniatures (no website).

I also picked up two larger wood frames from her. The other two frames are from other vendors.

I picked up some fabric, landscaping items and a large pack of fine gauge floral wire, which seems to be rather elusive in the local craft stores.


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