Continuing work on the main floor furnishings. I tried out some new Minwax stains I picked up at Lowes. This is Natural, Fruitwood and Driftwood (left to right) used on basswood scraps. Natural gives the grain a lift and a slight warm tone. I might use this on the circle library since it will seal the wood without changing the aspect much. Fruitwood is a lovely light color that coordinates well with Natural, so I will likely use this on the dumbwaiter and its cabinet. Driftwood has a green grey cast and works well with the grain.

I cut down the depth of the Houseworks 2″ kitchen cabinet by 1/4″ since it was a tad too deep and used Driftwood stain with satin varnish. The knobs are wood painted black. A beautifully rustic cabinet. :]

The pitcher and bowl are from my stash of minis. It’s a favorite that I had been hoping to use in the mill but it wouldn’t fit upstairs. Problem solved. It’s now a kitchen wash set.

I painted the kitchen chairs Zinc by Americana. What I like about this dark grey is the blue cast to it, which should go well with the enamel tabletop. I’ve been trying out processes for the tabletop, so more on that later. In case that doesn’t work out, it will still be a lovely color with a plain white tabletop. :]

I finished with Delta Ceramcoat Satin Varnish and upholstered with a cotton print from my stash.

I replaced the damaged foam from the kit with two layers of white felt. The seats aren’t glued in since they fit well enough with tension alone. I can easily clean or replace as needed.