Walnut Bay Light – Fresnel lens

December 15, 2013

I had bought two Fresnel lens models in preparation for Jasper Inlet Light, a future build that is still on the distant horizon. Unfortunately, these were both too large for the kit lantern room. I have a post on these here and here.

Instead, I’ve used the smaller Christmas ornament (one of a set of four), also by Harbour Lights. These are a little on the small side but more workable than the larger models. These are no longer made but you can find them on eBay from time to time.

I built a support mechanism for the lens from a kitchen spray hose guide from Home Depot and some mdf circles from the scrapbook aisle at Michaels. You should have seen me wandering around Home Depot just looking at all the components in the plumbing and electrical aisles. I must have been asked a dozen times if I was sure I didn’t need help. I wanted something that looked mechanical and gave the illusion of having the ability to rotate.

I made a metal ring to attach the lens to the hose guide, and the light sits underneath the lens ornament.  I later removed the top ring of the ornament as well.

The ornament has a solid core and no way for a lightbulb to sit inside the lens.

I used the Cir-Kit lighthouse beacon, which had to be wired separately from the rest of the lights. It comes with its own control box and transformer. The only thing I didn’t like was that there’s no on/off switch; you have to climb under the table or reach behind things to unplug the transformer. You could put it on a cord with a switch, but an on/off switch seemed an odd thing to be missing. Otherwise, it’s an awesome product…really gives the illusion of a rotating beacon.

The base, railing and lantern mechanism are fixed to the tower, and the lantern room and roof lifts off. The laser cut tabs allow this to work well. I cut a floor door to allow access from the upper tower room. I made another scratch built ladder as well that isn’t shown here but matches the one in the lower tower. The conduit covers the wire channel since tape would have been obvious. Yes, I was up on a step ladder for this part. :D

I left the acetate out of the lantern room for now. I like being able to see the Fresnel lens without light reflecting on the window surface. The lantern roof has a small knob finial as a finishing touch. Love it! :D

Categories: Walnut Bay Light


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