Vintage roll-away bed

April 29, 2015

I picked up an interesting lot on eBay and included was a roll-away bed. We had one of these when I was young (might still be in my parents’ garage for all I know). It was a weird grey green, but it was just like this.

It’s a super cute item…one of those random bits from the past. I know they still sell these, but they just scream vintage to me.

To me, it looks best closed up. When open, it loses some of its realism mainly because the mattress isn’t really working for me. Endora seems to think it’s just peachy as is. :D Crazy cats.

Don’t gasp, but when I first saw it online I thought I’d like to paint it. Now, I do like it in the silver, to a point. I would have to be careful since there are so many working parts. It might be best to use a product that will simply darken of the metal. There are some sharp parts that will need to be sanded so I don’t cut myself even if I don’t change the color.

I will make a new mattress for it with fabric in better scale. It would be nice to display new and old, so I will make one of each type of mattress. Here is the ratty Baslow Ranch mattress just to try. Better, though I want one in ticking stripe. :D

These always make me think of an asylum, too. Maybe I’ll need to make a creepy room box someday.

Update: see the new ticking stripe mattress here.

Categories: Furniture


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