The Miniature Show – debut

April 16, 2016

This was the first year of The Miniature Show, so we headed there in the morning. The main part of the ballroom had a large center where the show organizer, Swan House Miniatures, displayed wares from various artists, each labeled with a name card. Around the outer walls, there were individual vendors, some first timers.

I finally got to meet Jennifer of Looking Glass Miniatures after having known her from the Greenleaf Dollhouses forum for years. :D She sells old letters, boxes, books, kits and Harry Potter related items. All excellent quality.

Tiny Ceramics — gorgeous designs, thin tiles in perfect scale. I bought two bunny tiles and two plain white tiles to make a plant stand topper.

Just Miniature Scale. I’ve bought from her online store before. She had a lot of Halloween and Christmas items, and I couldn’t pass up this wonderful snowman.

St. Leger — they had the most amazing working automata as well as vintage tools and house accessories.  I bought a mop bucket, something I’ve been seeking for awhile now.

A successful round of shows again this year.


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