Behold the beginning of The Maple Room. Why that particular name? I just thought it was nicer than “that there room box.”

This is the Traditional Room Box Kit from Real Good Toys.

I was in a shopping mood the other day and had the monies I won for Roland’s Retreat, so I ordered the room box kit and some miscellaneous trims they had on sale. I like having the room box mockup I used for the Shapeways room, but it is very narrow.

It’s also not a permanent structure. It was built on the platform for the now defunct Mt. Sydney Chalet. I still have the room set up, but over time this will wear out.

I usually make quick scenes to photograph minis on the fly, but this takes more time and more space than you would think.

This type of setup isn’t easy to move since everything is just propped in place and scattered. How am I supposed to make microwave popcorn in this chaos?!

I’ve thought for a long time now how great it would be to have an actual room box I could take out, plug in and go. :] I especially like that this has a plexiglass front and top to keep the dust out and perhaps to store items I’d like to see but not have to dust in between photography studio use. It’s a large room but will fit on my bookshelf easily. It will also be easy to place tissue over the top plexiglass to diffuse the lighting.

I will be making both the front and top removable since the front piece would cause glare in photographs. My plan is to also make channels so I can use different papers as needed for the scenes. Hmm…like the changing seasons…maybe The Maple Room name makes more sense than I realized. :D
I did think about buying wood supplies and doing it all myself, but that would have defeated the purpose of a quick build and I had the monies to spend! :]