The Brownstone – timber grid stonework, part 1

April 21, 2014

Somewhere in all this work, I realized I had forgotten all about the stonework in the color plan.

Luckily, I am only halfway through…and it’s an easy fix. Before going through the trouble, though, I got out my trusty PhotoShop. Here’s the addition with the stone…

And the front…yep, it’s worth adding.

I started with thin cardstock templates, each numbered so I could match them up again later.

Instead of using the 3/4″ x 1″ stones I had been cutting for the base, I determined the layout using the individual templates. I thought it would look off to have partial stones, so I cut three even strips slightly wider than the base stones. I then cut the length to make a pleasing pattern, gluing the stones to the cardboard template.

I’ll paint the inserts with the base coat of Fawn by Americana. Once I create the final two grids for the side walls, I’ll make the stone inserts for those as well. I’ll then paint the final washes and glazes when I do the base stone so it will all coordinate in color.

Categories: The Brownstone


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