The Brownstone – front door, part 3

February 21, 2014

Continuing work on the front door. I painted the door surround black followed with a satin varnish. I thought the original Black Plum by Americana was too brown, so I covered the door with two thin coats of Black Cherry by Folk Art. The Black Cherry would have been too bright on its own, so the two layers of color worked out well. I finished the door with satin varnish as well.

I added textured glass using two layers of rippled water sheet from HBS in place of the acrylic insert included with the kit. This allows light to come in while adding some privacy. The top window is clear acrylic.

I added white numbers for the house address using stickers from Hobby Lobby purchased for less than $2. :]

They are fairly large numbers at 3/4″, but real life 9″ house numbers aren’t unusual. I decided to limit the number to two stickers so I wouldn’t overwhelm the window. Instead of trying to eyeball the placement, I printed out a similar font size as a guide.

Why 85? I was trying to think of some historical figure to serve an inspiration, and Edgar Allen Poe popped into my head. I found this article on one of his residences at 85 West Third Street in Greenwich Village, so 85 it was! :D

Categories: The Brownstone


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