The Brownstone – front door, part 1

February 11, 2014

I’m keeping the original kit door, but the instructions have you glue the door in place whereas I want a working door. Houseworks doors are a different size than the kit door, so I couldn’t use an existing frame on the kit door.

The kit door has been assembled without the glass insert and pane detail for now. The kit door had only one lower rectangle detail, so I cut another for the other side.

To make the frame, I used a Houseworks door for reference. Unlike the Houseworks door, though, I won’t have exterior and interior trim. Instead, the door will be built into the recessed entry and have trim only on the interior. The door has one coat of Black Plum by Americana. It’s more brown than I wanted, so I’ll top it with another color.

Like the Houseworks door, I curved one edge of the door using a metal file.

I used 3/16″ x 3/8″ basswood for the top and sides. The bottom of the frame is made from 1/8″ x 3/8″ basswood. The frame is built close around the door while allowing it to move freely.

After making the pocket door for the Heritage, I had an extra set of hinge pins. I drilled holes in the kit door and finished fitting the frame with those in place. It works!

It sits flush with the back of the frame as planned; this is the interior side.

There’s enough room in front of the door for added trim to keep drafts out…that’s next. :D

Categories: The Brownstone


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