The Brownstone – entrance and front steps, part 7

February 12, 2014

Continuing work on the entrance and front steps. My second arch turned out better, so I altered the first one. My second wall also lined up better, so the two don’t match. I’m not going to redo them since you won’t see them side by side…well…except here. :D

I painted the stone with a base coat of Fawn by Americana.

After the base coat of Fawn by Americana had dried, it was time to start adding color washes and glazes to add some dimension. I mixed Mississippi Mud with Staining Medium, both by Americana, and dotted the color at random. I wiped it off immediately.

I added a number of paint washes to get a deeper color variation. It ended up a lovely warm color. Now the texture and outlines show up well.

Categories: The Brownstone


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