Continuing work on the wood stove. I glued the back and sides around the foam core base. I cut another piece of foam core for the top and taped in place (no glue yet).

I added the foam core lining to the sides and back. I tested my small fire, and it still looks like there is a lot of space on either side.

I borrowed the fire from The Aero Squadron Lounge, which is glued to its holder, and it seems a better fit side to side.

I cut a thin frame for the window to make the door.

I glued the window into the frame, using super glue gel to attach the diamond insert. I will use the scrap of mat board to cut an acrylic window for the door later in the build.

I glued the front to the stove, still leaving the upper foam core piece separate.

I added a thin layer of spackling along the joins to smooth any small gaps.

I cut a top for the stove and glued it to the top foam core piece.

This will now serve as a locking lid for the stove. I can’t glue it as a solid unit until I get the stove painted and the flickering LED installed.

I added thin wood trim around the base and a narrow ledge under the door for detailing. I’m still thinking about whether I want to hinge the door or just glue it on with faux hinges. I’m planning to use a battery operated flickering LED for the fire, so I shouldn’t have to access the interior. Right now, I have it held on with mini hold wax. I will paint it separately, either way.

I added a lower tray made from foam core covered on the sides with mat board. I am guessing that detail on the original might be a tray that collects ashes?

I will use the round dowel that came with the HBS Loft kit to serve as the stove pipe, but I am going to wait to cut it until after the stove is finished and I have the final placement marked in the Studio. I might leave it whole and cut an opening in the ceiling, using the extension above the roofline as a chimney. Seems Cora has figured out where the warmth is coming from.

Yeah, I love it so far! :D