Here’s a quick reminder of my wood stove, shown in (very rough) paper mockup form.

This stove from Charnwood is my main inspiration.

And my sketch for the version I plan to make.

Inspired by the work of Kris at 1 Inch Minis, I’ve opted for mat board. Since I am using a Grandt Line O scale diamond pattern window (3743) to serve as the door, I started there. I traced around the inside of the door frame and then marked the outline for the front.

I used circle templates to make the lower curve detailing. I added a little height to this piece since my mockup was too short in relation to the furnishings. This includes the wood storage area on the bottom. My stove measurements ended up being 1 15/16″ wide by 3″ tall.

Hello, lovely scroll saw! ;D

I don’t have a lot of practice cutting curves on the scroll saw…in fact, this was my first! So, the two sides were a little uneven. I flipped the cutout over and traced the outline onto the opposite side.

I used files and a sanding stick to even out the design. I also sanded the edges slightly to make it more rounded as though it were shaped from metal. Mine is a little fancier than the inspiration piece, but it will work well with the fancier door I have planned. I cut the back to match the front, leaving off the curved detailing.

I measured the depth required to hold the small fire from Mainly Minis and cut two pieces the same height as the front and back using this measurement as the width.

I cut an interior base to fit inside these four pieces from foam core board. I wanted a sturdy base to hold the fire inside the stove. I marked the line where the foam core shelf will sit inside the stove.

I tested the stove for fit in the room, and it looked good overall. I won’t need to adjust the brick surround much.

I think I need to switch this small fire with the wider fire I usually use, though. :D There’s a lot of space inside the stove, so I think I’m going to start by lining the sides and back of the interior with foam core.