The Artist’s Studio – The Deck, part 4

April 23, 2013

With the straight portions of The Deck assembled and the leaf patterns drawn, it was time to start cutting the pieces for the first of the leaves. Elga, who is a fabulous woodworker, suggested I cut the outer walnut frame in pieces, keeping the grain lengthwise as much as possible. I marked the outer frame into five pieces and cut them from the paper pattern.

I traced them onto the 1/16″ thick walnut sheet and then started cutting along the guidelines.

Here’s the cut outer frame with the center vein and walnut cross boards.

Then I cut the bass wood cross boards to fit. Each one is marked with a number so I can reassemble them easily.

The first leaf is now cut…two more to go and then the support frames need to be built.

Here’s the second leaf started.

Already, I am getting better at cutting and fitting. I’ll likely go back and re-cut a few of the boards from the first leaf that don’t fit as well as I’d like. :]


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