As noted in a previous post, the main part of the retaining wall will be made from Woodsies popsicle sticks that measure 6″ x 3/4″ x 1/16″. The back width of the base is 24″ so I marked the foam core board base in 4″ intervals.

Mike again came to the rescue! I needed 1/4″ x 1/2″ x 36″ strip wood, but the local stores carry only balsa in that length. It is too soft for base trim, so he sent me cut strips of poplar to finish the plywood edge. Unfortunately, I failed to tell him the amount needed so he sent only one board. While I awaited the rest, I used the single board to align the horizontal planks around the foam core base. I’ll add the base boards once they arrive.

I cut the Woodsies sticks to 4″ lengths and glued them to the foam core board base using the guidelines, starting in the middle. I used the Easy Cutter for the horizontal planks since the ends would be covered by the vertical posts.

I used a length of corner trim to align the tops as well. I’m awaiting my supply of this trim as well.

I made a small hole for the wires.

For the lead edges where the land descends, I kept the boards even, cutting the lines with a utility blade. I will build up the land to fill in the adjacent areas during landscaping.

I like the look of it so far.