The Artist’s Studio – primed

November 25, 2012

Continuing work on the structure. I primed the front and back of each board except the floor since that is still in the planning phase. I used white on the interior and black on the exterior. I always prime first one side and then the other in the same painting session to keep any warping to a minimum.

The white portion will need a second coat, but I also have to fill in the loft notches some more since the spackling shrank as it dried. The extra floor boards are in, too! :D

It might seem like I’m flying through this build, but this thing will stay in dry fit for some time. This is usually how my Spring Fling builds go…lots of prep and dry fit for months. The Studio will be glued together relatively early in the build, but there will be a lot of work to do besides.

I bought three papers for the interior, all drawing papers in large size sheets. The side walls are longer and taller than standard scrapbook paper sheets, so this will eliminate the need to piece the wallpaper. I have successfully applied wallpaper with seams before, but why bother if you don’t have to? And, solid papers tend to show seams more readily. I will be using the back side as the right side surface since the texture is softer.

I bought Daler-Rowney Dreadnought Grey as well as Canson Pearl Grey and Ivory. The ivory is for the bathroom and the greys are for the main hall and living area. I loved the Dreadnought Grey in the store but worried it might be too dark for the interior, so I bought the Pearl Grey just in case. I might use a two-tone treatment.

I think it’s rather fitting to use drawing papers for an artist’s studio, don’t you?


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