The Artist’s Studio – Rustic crate bookcase

December 27, 2012

Of course, I can never fit all the items I want into any particular build, so things get pushed out and saved for later. One item that I love for The Artist’s Studio is the unique rustic cabinet.

But, I’ve had this image in mind for the Studio all along, so out the cabinet must go!  :\

image from Recaptured Charm

Could I have made nine identical crates? Yes, but why do that when Minimum World offers perfectly suitable ones already made? :D I bought these for $2 each instead of trying to make a bunch of identical crates, which would have taken days. With the angled front wall, I thought an offset stack would look best.

A set of nine in straight columns is not as interesting, and twelve (as shown in the original photo) wouldn’t fit in the allotted space without crowding the daybed.

For reference, here’s a narrow configuration in the main living area. Again, the full stack of twelve would not have fit.

With the rustic cabinet in its original place, it’s just too crowded in my opinion.

I stained the crates with two washes of grey, black and brown.

Already much better.

Once dry, I sanded them as needed. There was slopped glue around many of the seams, but that was easily masked by stuffing the shelves full. :D I put my wheat back penny in the bottom row for size reference.

I’ll make some additional items appropriate for a studio, but I love the way they look so far with some minis I had on hand.

In fact, many of these items will have to stay…they just look so completely at home.


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