A friend invited me to a Paint Nite event at a local restaurant. From the link here, you can see the Halloween themed painting the artist and host Sarah Benkin would be teaching. I had never been to one of these, but painting a haunted house and having a cocktail sounded like a lovely way to spend a school night.
Of course, I brought three mini sized canvases instead of using the provided canvas. The mini canvases were made using textured note cards glued to mat board with spray adhesive and then coated with white acrylic. I taped the three mini canvases to a scrap of plywood to have something to use as an easel. I’m ready to paint, with a Scotch chaser.

A couple of years ago, April sent me a fabulous set of brushes and clay tools called a Bundle Monster that were invaluable.

I supplemented with a couple of other brushes just in case (not shown here).

I attempted the smallest of the three canvases first, but I had a hard time making circular motions that small. My moon was a messy, light blue oval, so I scrapped that and moved on to the medium one. Much better.

The instructor was a lot of fun, and there was a good group of ladies at the event. Many used other colors for their moons. It was so interesting to see all the different works starting from the same image.
I skipped the cats in my painting and made the fence and grass more moonlit. I thought bright white images would detract from the house in my small scale. I had a lot of fun and could see myself packing mini canvases and attending more of these in the future.