Back to work on the master bath in the Newport. Here’s the view from where I left off.

The original Michael’s cabinet (shown in the photo above) I had as a stand-in seemed too country for this more modern bathroom, so that one moved back into my supplies. I thought about using a Houseworks bookcase instead, but it was too big and open. Not everything you keep in a bathroom should be on display. ;]

So, I put two House of Miniatures kits together to make a custom cabinet: a Closed Cabinet Top (which I left open) and a Hutch Cabinet.

I stained the pieces IKEA antique pine and sealed with Delta Ceramcoat satin varnish before assembly. I wanted to tie the cabinet in with the vanity (a Mackintosh sideboard) since there was getting to be too much white in this room. The knobs are jewelry findings painted with Testors flat black enamel.

I left the doors off the top part to have some place to display minis. :]

I hid a few things inside, too! I made the towel but bought the other minis.

The towels were made from terry cloth from I had to fold a few in various ways to figure out the sizes that would fit and look true to scale in the cabinet before gluing them into their final shapes. The bottles are various types of blanks I picked up here and there (except the Listerine bottle, which I bought along with the toilet tissue).

I found images of product lines I liked online and printed a few labels on white Avery sticker labels (though I still needed to supplement the adhesive with a glue stick for some). The bottle shapes and colors don’t emulate the original products exactly, but I like them! :]

Here’s a better view from the front.

The loofah scrubbies were made from fine tulle also from that I sewed together with white thread twisted to form a rope.

If you want to see how impossibly tiny some of these bottles are, just check out the penny on the lower shelf. That tiny clear bottle has a label that measures 1/8″ square.

I love this little guy! :D

There will be a better setup added in time, but this is where I’ve started.