Though the Newport was sold eventually, I’ve compiled some of the posts I made when I first started building it.
I started building the furniture for the guest room to go with the scratch built bed made from a pattern in Thirties and Forties Miniatures in 1:12 Scale by Jane Harrop and the House of Miniatures dresser. For the bedside table, I used a House of Miniatures candle stand kit. It came from a set of two; the other is in Baslow Ranch.

I like the copper table lamps in here, but I am undecided on the ceiling fixture. I tried a couple of others, and this one seemed to be the best fit for the most part other than the color. Whichever fixture I end up using, I’ll likely paint it copper to match the other two as close as possible.
The wall art prints are both by Edward Raymes: Today and Crimson Dusk (left to right). I need to make frames for them.

I find it amazing how the addition of baseboard, windows and trim can turn a dollhouse room into something so seemingly life-sized. The print is Today by Edward Raymes. In a previous post, I showed you how I made the mock outlet and plug for the table lamp. I made both sunflower table lamps.

Below you can see the second print by Edward Raymes called Crimson Dusk.

The flowers are Bonnie Lavish dahlias. I made the dresser with mirror, bed (and bedding) and side table as well as the llama rug and the peacock pillow. The only things left for this room are window treatments and a few other accessories.

The Novalyte LEDs in the sunflower lamps cast a wonderful light that transforms the room in a nighttime scene.