I always use backdrops behind windows and doors when photographing interior miniature rooms. A few years back, I thought about getting one of the Lemax light up moon accessories that they had for their Halloween town. I never got around to it since I wasn’t sure how well it would work as it would have to be propped somehow.
I then ran across Uncle Milton’s Moon in My Room. It’s a 10″ diameter textured moon that you hang on the wall.

It comes with a remote so you can manually control the phases of the moon. There is also an automatic setting that plays for half an hour.

The first one I bought had off coloration and a brownish spot in the middle. It was also easy to see the delineation between the phases when lighted, so I returned it and tried again.

The second one was much better. It had better shadows and the spot in the middle was less noticeable. You also couldn’t see obvious lines when the moon was lighted in full.