Milo Valley Farm – the roof, part 1

July 30, 2015

Well, more like “the ceiling” since that’s where I will start. I cut the roof board down since I had narrowed the building. I had to cut an additional piece for the back since I had made the building deeper. Interestingly enough, I ended up with an extra roof board since the one that came with the kit originally was damaged so I had enough to cut the extra piece for the back from the same material.

I flipped the board over and marked the side wall and curved beam locations.

I made a template for the board from black paper, transferring the markings for the beams and side walls.

I used the same thin wood strips as I did for the siding to mimic a plank ceiling. I made sure seams hit where a beam would cover the gap, and I alternated the placement so it wouldn’t tend to bend along that break. I left a tiny bit of room between the boards to allow for the curve.


And, propped in place to check the fit.

Marvelous, but we’re not ready to close up just yet.  :]

Categories: Milo Valley Farm


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