Keli made me two crates full of delightfully grungy barn items. Her husband even made a pair of working battery cables, and though the clips are large for scale, they are fun!

Her crusty, leaking battery might just get me a fine from the EPA. :\

Her bike pump is simply awesome!

Bill has done it again! He has sent some of the most marvelous handmade miniatures and miscellaneous items for my barn find diorama! Our barn owner is a tool hoarder. He’s got all sorts of shipwright’s tools. I’m quickly learning about ship building and maintenance. We have caulking irons, chisels and mallets! Oh, my!

We even have a splitting froe! :D

Mom was over tonight, and she said grandpa had one of these large hand drills in real life. :]

Now for the random part. Bill picked up a ratty brass tiny trophy for $0.25 Canadian. He started the magic transformation and turned two bases for it. He’s left it unassembled for me to finish. With a hot car like the Datsun, it had to have been raced at some point!

This is a brass and leather barrel with big (in mini) dice.

It unscrews. errmmm. Any ideas on what this is? Bill and I are baffled.

And, it’s finally time for the trash to treasure part. I think he meant this first item as trash to treasure, but this has to be the coolest thing all on its own! It’s a tiny box of vintage dental burrs at least 60 years old. The box and burrs are in perfect condition. They may be out of true scale for tools, but closed up the box will blend in to the random tool stash. I will leave it as is.

The sanding disks almost look like free weights.

This box is so super cool I might use it as is, too. Maybe it’s a master box of individual boxes of nails. :D Bill suggested vintage signs, but I don’t think I can cut it. I like it too much just the way it is.

He was at the “free store” where there are bits and bobs to peruse. He found this and suggested it might be part of a machine, a feeder or a light fixture. I’m thinking an unsafe and completely out of code kerosene heater. :D Or, perhaps it’s meant to be a smudge pot. I believe I have some other bits and bobs around to finish it nicely.

He also visited the “not free store” and found some marvelous plastic toy barrels. He told the woman at the store about my mini projects, and she donated them to the barn for free! :D These will need a bit of painting magic.

Tiny spools of copper wire. The smaller is from a battery watch and the other is from a digital camera. Crazy small! :D

Thank you, Bill! You spoil me rotten!