Milo Valley Farm – landscaping, part 2

August 7, 2015

Continuing work on the landscaping. I touched up the paint over the stucco application and dirtied up the lower portion of the stone foundation with a brown and black paint wash.

After looking at it some more, I decided I needed to build up the land to the barn door. I glued and pinned a piece of thin foam to the existing ground. I cut it to fit.

I then built up more stucco to even out the edges.

I painted it to blend with the rest of the land.

Instead of having the grass go all the way to the barn, I will have dirt showing along the foundation. I started with Fine Ballast Dark Brown by Woodland Scenics.

I spread a layer of glue with a brush.

I applied the ballast liberally and gently pressed it into place.

The rabbit hole has a layer of ballast as well. :]

I let it set overnight before brushing the excess back into the container, then vacuuming the remainder. I added a dark black brown paint wash to the ballast after I cleared the excess. This will dry a little lighter than it looks now.

While that dried, I planted two greenery bushes purchased from A Little More in Miniatures at the mini shows earlier this year. They smell awesome. I dug out holes for the bases and glued each bush into the foam, spreading some brown ballast over the bases. Why not plant these later after the barn doors are in? No reason really. :]

Operator error led to the bush by the rabbit hole losing a few branches. I will use these as final touches, so all is not lost! These are natural elements and as such might not last the test of time. Nice thing about an old barn is it won’t matter if they end up bare and sad looking.

On the ramp, I applied random streaks of glue and then spread the glue with a brush. The gravel is Woodland Scenics Ballast left over from Baslow Ranch. I poured it on generously and pressed it gently. I didn’t bother to let it dry overnight before brushing the excess back into the container, then vacuuming the remainder. I added some paint washes to make the gravel look more natural.

We’re getting somewhere.  :]

Categories: Milo Valley Farm


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