Milo Valley Farm – abandoned bathtub, part 2

April 25, 2015

Continuing work on the abandoned bathtub. I sanded the entire piece to remove the sheen, which was glossier than it should be for an old tub exposed to the elements. In some places this left well delineated scratches.

To bring back a lighter sheen, I applied nail polish remover to the entire surface.

To lift some of the paint in the rusted areas, I applied paint thinner with a Q-tip. This lifted the paint slightly.

I used a paper towel to lift the paint entirely in areas.

I smoothed out the obvious scratches with paint thinner, this time just letting the paint dry without applying the paper towel.

After the paint dried, I washed the tub with soap and water and positioned it into a tray using a paper towel to angle it slightly.

To get the tub to look like it had been filled with algae water a few times over, I made a mixture of brown and green paint (with a tiny dash of black) and poured it into the bath.

I kept removing a little bit of the mixture with a syringe and then dropping some back in.

After I had a good result, I left the remaining liquid to dry naturally.

To be continued….

Categories: Milo Valley Farm


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