Mice on holiday

August 18, 2011

Since we were already going to be in Denver for a friend’s wedding, my boyfriend and I spent a few days in the Rocky Mountains to celebrate my birthday. We attended a Japanese tea ceremony at the Denver Botanical Gardens. We “climbed” the 14,000ft Mount Evans (well, the 1/4 mile trail from the parking lot to the top), where we saw goats and marmots. In the Victorian village of Georgetown, we rode an open air steam train and toured a silver mine. And, to top it all off, we generally ate a ton of great food!  :D

But, what’s a vacation without minis?  ;]  While in Georgetown, we stopped into Rocky Mountain Miniatures, where I ended up with only two small purchases even though the store had a ton to choose from.

First, a rather realistic (and very tiny) mouse for the haunted Heritage.

And second, an amusing little mouse stealing the cheese!!!!  :D  This one is just too stinkin’ cute!

Categories: Animals and birds


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