Mail call!

April 21, 2014

I ran across an old Rondel Wood Products Mail Wagon kit on eBay, and now it’s in my house. Why? Peer pressure, plain and simple. You all know who you are!

All kidding aside, it’s a simple little kit that makes one of these: a rural mail wagon.

image from The Smithsonian

Included in the kit is a large blueprint. Some pieces are pre-cut and some you do yourself. This kit was missing a piece, but that’s a relatively easy fix.

The plans and wheel drawing are even notarized. :D Not with original signatures, but still….

It comes with a jig for making the wagon wheels. Though these are made differently, I’ve made two wagons in the past and have some experience with the fiddly things.

It also includes two tiny oval glass windows.  :D

There are no materials for interior detailing included, but I will certainly add that.

image from The Smithsonian

These can be quite beautiful. :D In the kit, you’re to paint the lettering by hand. Riiiiiiiiight. I see Woodland Scenics rub-on letters in my future. :D

image from The Smithsonian


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