Behold the behemoth that is the Mac Tools Racing 1:12 scale tool locker! My 5’9″ equivalent model isn’t male-model tall but he’s no munchkin, either. This piece is 6″ tall and 5.5″ wide.

To me, it seems like he would behead himself with that heavy top in real life. However, I found several online photos of the real deal that illustrate just how perfectly in scale it is.

This piece is actually a limited edition collectible coin bank, but it has all the exterior detailing of the original right down to the warning labels. I can’t decipher the text, but I think the gist is, “This beast will kill you if you let it fall on you.”

It’s a great piece to display on its own. Only two drawers open using buttons inside the top, so while a decent display piece I don’t know how many tools you could reasonably keep in it. The included tool in one of the drawers is used to open the bank.