I’ve made a rusted roof in the past, but this time I needed something that wasn’t new but wasn’t too old. I used QUICKUTZ We R Memory Keepers adhesive backed metal sheets. Back in 2010, I purchased a similar material in a 12-pack from Hobby Lobby. I would say the current ones are very similar in quality though fewer sheets come in the pack for a higher price.

I used a paper crimper by Fiskars, though they have others on the market now that will make wider sheets. I was able to make my old one work for my current project.

The material is very shiny as is.

I used Rust-Oleum Self-Etching Primer once I had the pieces measured and cut.

Once that was dry, I stippled on a layer of Liquitex silver and then a layer of Neutral Grey mixed with Staining Medium, both by Americana.

I had labeled the prepared sheets and used Quick Grip as the main adhesive. It’s not the easiest glue to use, but it gives you some time to work. I supplemented the glue with Aleene’s Quick Dry and super glue gel. (As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)

I like the middle ground finish – not new, not old. :]