Ivy Hollow – screen door, part 5

August 15, 2019

Continuing work on the screen door. I sprayed the screen on both sides with the Rust-Oleum Self-Etching Primer as tested last time. The coverage wasn’t quite as uniform over a larger patch of the material, but it’s pretty great. It looks like a dusty screen, perfect for my rural setting.

It’s even a little shinier on the interior side, where it would be more protected from the elements. This might have been why I had trouble painting it in the past. I might have tried to paint the shinier side instead of the dull side.

I glued the screen door boards together, then cut cross board detailing.

I painted those pieces while unattached, then added them to the previous assembly. I glued the three layers together – two wood frames with a cardstock/screen portion sandwiched between.

Here’s a reminder of the middle layer setup since I had to work fast and couldn’t photograph that part.

Once thoroughly dry, I gently sanded the four outer edges.

I filled any minor gaps with spackling.

I touched up the paint overall and painted the sides of the door.

Next up, building a frame to house both the screen and solid doors.

Categories: Ivy Hollow RFD


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