He’s just misunderstood

April 19, 2017

I grew up reading Dr. Seuss books and have always loved the whimsical characters.  My childhood copy of The Lorax is still on my bookshelf and is in rather good condition.  I’ve even been to the Dr. Seuss National Memorial in Springfield, Massachusetts.  It rained the day I went, but I still had great fun viewing the sculptures.

So, I was over the moon when I discovered The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss (as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases). You can see many of the works here.  My personal favorite was Cat from the Wrong Side of the Tracks.  I contacted the folks at Dr. Seuss, and they granted me permission to reproduce this print in miniature for my personal collection.  Hooray!

I think it will end up in the Brownstone ultimately, but it might make appearances elsewhere in the meantime.  I also plan to make a frame for it eventually, so I made the art crate a little larger than the print.  In this photo, you can see the slight texture of the scrapbook paper I used that gives it a canvas quality.

I made the art crate from basswood scraps darkened with a touch of brown paint mixed with staining medium.  The nails are bronze paint.  It is non-opening.

I cut a stencil using the Cricut to dry brush lettering and symbols.  :]  I used recycled office supplies for the material since it’s very close to true stencil plastic.

Considering the success with the small parts of the letters, I could likely make even smaller stencils.  I did have to pause the cut a few times to remove tiny bits of plastic that popped out so they wouldn’t get caught or interfere with the blade.

The trial was a success.

I cut away the excess so they would sit flat against the wood.

These were relative large in scale, but the crate is large and needed clear markings.

One side turned out better than the other, so I have a definite right side.  Yes, that’s a packing list pocket, bill of lading, invoice and certificate of authenticity.  :D


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