Heritage – Portico, part 3

October 11, 2011

Continuing work on the portico. Mike of One Twelfth Scale Miniatures was generous enough to post his exploded drawing of the portico he made. It helped solidify the method in my mind for how I wanted to build my own.

I started with 1/2″ x 1/2″ balsa wood mainly because I cut all the wood I use with hand tools and balsa is a nice soft wood. If it gets beats up (as it easily does), it won’t really matter for this particular project. I topped these pieces with 1/4″ x 1/2″ balsa to build up the height.

I then added cove molding along the tops. Yes, there will be spackling! :D

I had to add a brace on the left side where the portico touches in the inner corner of the porch.

I cut the foam core back piece I had used in my mockup to fit the tops of these balsa and cove molding bases. I taped it to the house to determine the position of the portico. The front supports are Houseworks Veranda Posts cut to 7 3/8″ tall. I had to cut some from the bottom and the top to use them since the decorative turned portion is rather long.

I already love it!

I’ll have to use short railings with these posts, but I think that actually will look nicer than the tall ones I used in my previous setup.

And, when you need an extra pair of hands, just raid the pantry! :D


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