Heritage – grandma’s neglected lawn, part 5

October 21, 2012

Continuing work on the lawn. Around The Tree, there was a whole lot of winging it. I first glued in a few larger pieces of the Savannah TuftGrass by Heki, including leftovers from the left side of the lawn, and then just patched and patched and patched. Here is a work in progress shot. I applied the grass in the same manner as I had done for the left side.

I have a large piece set aside for the back corner where the chimney will be. That will remain unglued until much later.

I love the way the burrow looks with the grass in place. Before it was somewhat obscured by the dark base all around it, but now it stands out amongst the green. :D

The roots also stand out more now.

Since the stone steps are mossy, I added moss to the walkway pavers and the pedestals. :] The stone step assembly and pedestals will remain removable even after completion of the build.

While I was at it, I gave the tree trunk and roots a little moss covering here and there. I might add more to fine-tune the landscape but wanted to get at least the base coat on. I think I need mushrooms, too. I’ll have to work on that. (Here they are!)

I have yet to add the rest of the goldenrod flowers since I was battling a headache today. But, I love it so far.

Pretty Ophelia. :D


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