Heritage – front bay window, part 6

October 27, 2012

Finishing the top of the front bay window. The top of the bay window needed finishing. I had used sheet cork painted black for the parapet on Baxter Pointe Villa, but it was too thick of a material to use here. I did a test sample of 320 grit sandpaper painted black and loved it! So, I glued the sandpaper to the bay window roof first.

I then slathered on black paint.

A paper towel blotted over it evened out the texture and color. Here it is still shiny from the wet paint.

To finish the edge, I used quarter scale widow’s walk railings by Grandt Line. The railings are very delicate but look suitable in scale for the bay window.

I spray painted them flat black to start and then trimmed them to fit end to end, shown here unattached.

To age them, I dabbed on some Bittersweet Chocolate and Terra Cotta by Americana. Rusty old iron was created.

I attached them with a combination of super glue gel and tacky glue. These are so delicate that I am certain they will need to be repaired or replaced at some point in the future. I painted six to use three, so I’ll store the extras.


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