Heritage – front bay window, part 4

September 18, 2011

The outer bay windows have been finished with white paint crackled over the black base color.

I painted the portions of the inner and outer frames that would show on the interior with Vintage White by Folk Art. I painted the inner window sliding frames the same color. Even though the inner walls won’t show after wallpapering, I went ahead and painted those since the acrylic paint seals the wood for better wallpaper application.

For the pieces that would be on the interior, I spackled the rough die-cut edges and tried to smooth the not-so-great wood the best I could. I wanted it old not dilapidated.

I also opted to make the sliding portion of the window out of the two larger slider pieces that fit into the bay wall pieces, instead of using one bay wall large slider and one interior small slider. This might not make any sense to anyone other than a Heritage kit builder, but it worked better for what I had done with the wall padding. I eliminated the interior sliders altogether since they were just such shoddy wood and I didn’t need them to make the windows function.

I replaced the printed acetate windows with clear acetate. In order to sandwich a thin piece of acetate between two pieces of wood, I had to leave a space around the acetate to put glue so the wood pieces would bond together. The acetate has some thickness to it, obviously, so I had to clamp it all the way around until completely dry. Quite the contraption, no? :D

As I mentioned before, one window assembly is completely glued together and the window is shut. The wood for these pieces was beyond repair. (I love this shot!)

But, guess what? Two of the windows work!!!! :D The second window is set partially open, and though the window slider isn’t glued in place, the wood for this assembly is not in the best condition and doesn’t allow for very fluid raising and lowering of the window. But, it works!

The third window, however, works so well that I need a dowel to keep it propped open! :D How positively wonderful! (Love this shot, too!) It’s just like a real life old house – one window is painted shut, one window sticks and one won’t stay open!!! :D

The exterior corbels and trim still need to be added, but it’s starting to take shape, no?

I had such good luck saving some of the interior wood with spackling, sanding and painting that I am going to attempt to get these interior window trim arches to work as well.


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