Heritage – bedroom wallpaper, part 3

December 11, 2012

Continuing work on the bedroom wallpaper. With the patterned paper copies ready to serve as templates, I started cutting the actual scrapbook paper – Out of Time by Recollections. I matched the pattern so the final pieces were exactly like the templates. (If I were to do this again, I would have mounted the final paper to an acid free backing paper to build up the thickness for durability.)

I cut all pieces before starting to glue them in place.

Unlike solid cardstock papers, printed papers often have a white paper core. When you score along the paper to make a crisp edge, the white core can show. As expected, the scored lines showed readily since the paper is black printed on white paper and any exposed core showed as a white line.

I ran a grey marker along the scored creases and exposed edges to mask these white lines. Here was my test scrap, used to find which of the various markers I had would be the best color match.

The front window wall piece required some trimming. I used a light colored pencil to mark the inside lines of the interior trim.

I cut outside these lines.

I checked the fit with the trim – no wallpaper showing. :]

I also had to finish the interior portion of the diecut openings that would show through. They aren’t the cleanest, but they are workable enough for me. I can get away with sloppy chipped paint since this is an old house. Note to April (or anyone else who is building a Heritage) – had I wanted this to be a more pristine house, I would have finished these before assembly. It was hard to work with them upright.

Continued here.


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