Heritage – Juliet balcony, part 2

March 13, 2013

Completed work on the Juliet balcony. It has been glued in place outside the bedroom swinging window.

Here’s a reminder of what the basic structure looked like last time.

I spray painted the “wrought iron” assembly flat black, which instantly changed the entire look. The finials are a little bent, but I like that for an old house.

To age the iron, I dabbed on Bittersweet Chocolate by Americana, followed by a light wash of Terra Cotta, also by Americana.

Doesn’t look like plastic anymore.

I painted the balcony floor with the charcoal grey mix I had used for the main roof and painted the wood trim and underside plain black. I also painted the support piece black. I crackled white over the wood trim and underside of the balcony as well as the support piece. I added a grey wash to the balcony floor to give the charcoal grey paint some depth and age.

With all these layers of glue and paint, the wood bowed on the bottom of the balcony – a happy accident I couldn’t have planned for if I tried.

I widened the nail holes that attach the balcony railing to the house, careful not to poke through the walls into the bedroom. It wasn’t until after I did this that I realized the balcony was not centered around the window. But, you know what? Maybe the miniature carpenters who built this house didn’t measure twice drill once and just left it. Who am I to argue? :D

I glued the balcony railing to the balcony floor and then glued the whole balcony to the side of the house. I added the bottom support right away to keep the balcony from falling off the house. :O

Love this rickety old balcony!

Ophelia couldn’t care less about chasing birds. How beneath her. But, she’ll sit and watch them. :D

Or, she’ll just enjoy the fresh air and beautiful view.

And, grandma won’t risk falling out the window.

A little later in the evening…


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