Half scale is nutters!

October 25, 2018

Continuing work on the RX-7 in half scale. I am making tiny half scale soda cans. Why? We’ll get to that.

This is a kit from Mr. Model in Brazil.

It comes with four turned metal cans, photo etched tops (open and closed) and labels for beer and soda (clear and white decals).

I had to use my 4X magnifying readers and even still I was cross-eyed. I am ever in awe of those who can work so small.

I had considered making them with the open tops since empty cans make more sense for my purpose, but drilling was not easy for lack of being able to hold the can well and I didn’t want to risk the glue not taking if I painted under the opening. Good luck telling the difference with the naked eye, anyway!

After gluing the top to the can, I needed a hand, but no one was available. So, out came the Cricut tweezers. They are the kind that you squeeze to open, then they close and hold until you release them (or they shoot the mini across the table like a wet watermelon seed).

With the thick rope tied around (yeah, that’s plain sewing thread).

Then came the tiny water slide decal that liked my fingers better than the can.  :\

One down, three to go…


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