Finding a Holy Grail miniature

August 4, 2015

I’m sure every miniaturist has a Holy Grail or two…I’d say I have roughly a dozen. These are miniatures we long for but cannot find, or perhaps afford. I searched extensively for this metal trash can, and now I have one in my collection. :D

It has the perfect metallic finish and ribbed detailing. There is no maker’s mark, and it came from an estate without any additional information. (A blog reader later said this was likely made by Ken Ketteridge.)

I’ve seen this item only once in the book Dolls’ House Shopkeeper by Lionel and Ann Barnard. Excellent book, by the way. So, one Holy Grail down!

I will not be altering this item in any way, so it might be too clean for the barn. But, the Brownstone has that fancy trash nook. :]

Categories: Miniatures


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