Fancy wrought iron door

November 4, 2020

Backing up a little here for work previously started. After struggling to get my previous 2020 HBS Creatin’ Contest entry beyond the parts, I finally threw in the towel and started working on a fresh contest kit. I loved the elements I created for the previous entry, but I could not get them to work together the way I wanted. So, those parts are shelved for now and I forge ahead to complete the new entry in time.

The door is a kit from Art of Mini.

I painted the door Lilac Love by Folk Art. The wrought iron is painted black brown.

I built a door frame from basswood since this was not included with the kit. This won’t be a working door. I added rippled water sheet as windows to simulate pebbled glass.

A cut of textured scrapbook paper serves as a window shade for privacy. Since this is a door to nowhere, the back is not finished.

When light hits the door from behind, it creates a warm glow.

I added gentle aging with pastels. It’s not an old door, but it has been exposed to the elements for a few seasons. The door frame is primed here, but this is the general coloration I’m after. Ghost the caracal is by 2014erok.

Next up…finishing the frame and adding hardware.

Categories: Whinnie's Terrace


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