This was a featured build in Decorating & Craft Ideas magazine, spreading out over three 1981 issues in January/February, March and April. I ran across this build in Greenleaf member Debra’s album. The house was designed by Jack E. Cavender, A.I.A., of Doll Domiciles, as noted in the magazine.

You can find these magazine issues on amazon and eBay, but you were to send away for the plans. They are not included in the magazine. :\

Luckily, Debra had them and decided she would most likely never get around to building the house, so the plans are now in my collection.

She also sent me the April 1981 magazine that shows the completed, furnished house. Here is a sampling of the fine detailing found inside. There are six main rooms, so it is open on one side and in the back. This is the back view.

I picked up the other two magazines on eBay to complete the set. It’s easier to store dollhouse plans than actual kits. :D

The March 1981 issue shows the landscaping details. The base is almost 60″ wide if you include the shed and side garden.

As an aside, old magazines are a hoot to look through. Mom has a bunch of old craft and knitting magazines she plans to keep. We flipped through one of them, and the thing that jumped out at us the most were the cigarette ads. You don’t see those anymore. First page of the Decorating & Craft Ideas magazine from 1981…a smiling dude smoking a Golden Light. :O There was even a cigarette ad on the back cover…with one more somewhere in the middle. So strange to see these now.

There was also an ad to sign up for the House of Miniatures kit-of-the-month club! Now we scour eBay and garage sales looking for these treasures.