
July 7, 2012

Tonight, I made a basket of eggs for my hens in progress. Well, Lyssa made the baskets shown in this post, but the eggs were made from clay tonight.

I mixed up five different colors of clay, all similar in tone, to mimic the natural variation of real life eggs. The particular breed I am emulating has lighter color eggs than the brown ones I buy at the store.

Eggs are not an easy thing to get right in clay, at least for me. The shape is somewhere between round and oval. Overall, I’m pleased with the way they turned out, and I can always pick the good ones to show on top. I made a lot more than I needed for that reason. My two hens would be exhausted laying all these eggs!

I do have a smaller basket from Lyssa, but I like the way the eggs look in the lighter color one. Perhaps it’s the number of eggs or the color of the basket I’m drawn to, I’m not sure which.

I borrowed the Heritage for a backdrop. :D

Categories: Miniatures


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