Divan and tray

February 15, 2010

I had no idea what a divan was, but when I saw one in Dolls’ House Furniture: Easy-to-make projects in 1/12 scale by Freida Gray I knew I had to have one. :D

I used the instructions in the book as a starting point but ended up making my divan a different size and height. I also changed the way it was put together compared to the book’s construction.

I eyeballed the size I wanted and cut the top and base from 1/2″ balsa. I added a frame of 1/4″ balsa to the base to make it thicker.

I used 1/2″ wood blocks for the feet, painting them Bittersweet Chocolate by Americana.

I hemmed a strip of fabric and wrapped it around the base, leaving just a tiny bit of the legs exposed.

This project was made much easier by using Peel-n-Stick Fabric Fuse. It’s an adhesive on a paper backing that you stick on, peel away the backing to expose the other side of the adhesive and then press in place. It comes in different widths; I bought a 5/8″ wide roll. I tacked the excess fabric on top of the base with tacky glue and set it aside.

I put a thin layer of batting on the top piece.

I have a vintage Tot 50 stapler by Swingline, and this is the first time I’ve used it in years. :] It made it very easy to upholster the top and get a taught surface over the batting.

I glued the top to the base with tacky glue and set the assembly aside.

In order to create the band to cover the seam between the top and bottom pieces, I used a strip of crinoline covered by fabric. Crinoline is a stiff fabric that makes it very easy to get a crisp band of fabric with no wrinkles.

I used the Peel-n-Stick fabric fuse to attach the band. There is a seam for both the bottom fabric and the band, but you would have that on a real life upholstered piece as well.

I love it! It now serves as the coffee table for the study.

The green of the divan fabric brings out the green in the Bespaq plaid furniture in the room.

The tray is a replica inspired by the shabby chic trays made by Pei Li, an artisan who makes some absolutely beautiful 1:12 scale miniatures.

Categories: Furniture


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