Designer Emulation Kit 2, part 1

May 17, 2015

I think the main reason miniaturists have hoards of projects for rainy days isn’t due to a lack of self control but more for the simple understanding that you had better grab something you like when you see it because it will likely vanish from the marketplace right around the time you want it for a project. :D

Such is the case with Designer Emulation Kits. These are little circuit board mini kits you build. They end up as modern mini light fixtures. These were designed by Mark McKenna, but the website is now defunct and you can find these babies only on the secondary market.

The one I liked best is DEK2, based on the classic Arco lamp by Achille Castiglioni. I was able to find a new kit on eBay.

The simple instructions are on the back of the box.

Inside, there’s a clamshell plate that holds the circuit board and the toolkit emulator. Yep, that’s a standard emery board. :D You add the 9V battery.

I used some heavy scissors to clip out the parts and sanded the nubs with the included sanding board. It was easy peasy.

The material is not delicate, which is good for popping it on and off the 9V battery base. As a bonus, it’s wonderful in 1:12 scale. It is a little bright, but some glass paint should help tone it down.

Now, I just need to build a modern end table to hide that battery. :D

Categories: Miniatures


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