Cutting circular openings

September 27, 2014

I recently picked up a new attachment for my Dremel rotary tool: a circle cutter and straight edge guide (as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases). In this post, I’ll show you its circle cutting capabilities. This makes circles from 3/4″ to 12″ in diameter.

I’m using scrap pieces of 1/4″ plywood here to get a feel for the tool the first time around. I’ve marked my outer circle and the center point.

I loosened the guide and adjusted the cutting bit to fit the circle.

The attachment has a pin that is 1/8″ in diameter. I drilled a hole on the center point using the same sized drill bit. You also use the same sized cutting bit, so a hole is needed for the bit as well.

You slip the pin into the center hole and then cut around the circle with the cutting bit.

This is my fourth practice run, and I’ve managed a reasonably clean circular opening. Just a little sanding to fine tune it is needed. Hooray! :D

It was not easy (and it’s very loud), but I am sure with practice (and earplugs) it will get better. And, you’re left with a better opening than you could achieve with a scroll saw or hand tools. (These cuts were done for Roland’s Retreat.)

Categories: Tools


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