The first two items I’m making are a corner cupboard from Art of Mini and a tea trolley by Daisy House.

The tea trolley was fiddly, but it ended up being rather sturdy for such a delicate piece. It has casters so it can be wheeled anywhere it is needed. It can be a shelf for storage as well as a table for meals. The spreader bar included in the kit was not in good condition, so I cut a new section from Tiny Turnings.

I sanded the edges of the cupboard pieces prior to assembly. This softened the overall look and made it seem assembled from old doors. I mounted my doors opposite to the kit photo since I liked that aesthetic better. I painted it a base coat of Camel by Americana and then followed that with custom mixed color using Turquoise by Anita’s and Plantation Pine by Americana. I sanded the edges to expose the color beneath for a worn look.

I painted the tea cart a mix of Battleship with Staining Medium, both by Americana. Where the glue prevented staining, I touched up with undiluted paint. I love the sun-bleached look to the color achieved after a very light sanding. For now, I’ve just pushed in the brass casters. I want to try a blackening solution on them before I glue them permanently. I’ll write up the results on that separately.

I finished both pieces with Delta Ceramcoat Satin Varnish.