Copyright and Pinterest use

June 11, 2015

This is not an all inclusive list, but here are some basic guidelines about copyright and internet etiquette. All content on is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in part or in whole. It takes a lot of time and effort to write and photograph for my blog. Please ask permission before reproducing any of my content.

Copyright exists as soon as you create something, though there is of course an added legal process to further that notion. It should be understood that one can’t copy posts from one place and post them on one’s own blog or website without permission. Just because my work is on the internet does not mean it is in the public domain or meant to be reproduced freely. You do not have to make money using someone else’s work to violate copyright. Even if you are using the work for personal use only, if you reproduce it in print on the web or otherwise, it can be a violation of copyright. Please visit for complete information.

Please do not republish my blog posts, images, and/or tutorials on other websites or blogs, including Pinterest, without permission.

Pinterest users: Please pin only one photo from a blog post — do not post multiple photos or entire tutorials on Pinterest.

If you’ve had a Pinterest pin or other image removed at my request, it is typically due to that image being hot-linked on multiple other websites and the only way to resolve the issue is to remove the source image from Pinterest. I will also have Pinterest remove multiple pins from the same post as well as any pins where the link directs to a location other than my blog or website related to me. 

I do understand that Pinterest is a means for people to both save links to tutorials and to discover artists’ work in the first place. However, please understand that when large sections of my work and tutorials are pinned, it essentially equates to my work being reproduced in its entirety on another website. In fact, each pin creates a new but exact duplicate of a copyrighted work using Pinterest’s numbering/naming system. From there, the images can be republished onto other websites without links back to the original source, which is harder to track. If my work is published in its entirety elsewhere, then people have no reason to visit my blog.

Pinterest also puts the responsibility solely on the user as to whether they have the right to use the images they choose to pin. A copyright holder can ask Pinterest to levy “strikes” against a user for violating copyright. I don’t know the full policy for Pinterest, but I do know Facebook will block repeat offenders. Just because Pinterest exists doesn’t mean users are exempt from copyright law or in any way protected by Pinterest if they get into legal trouble.

I don’t mind a photo or two pinned, but this large scale copying has often gotten out of hand. I understand that many people who pin responsibly might be caught in these sweeps to remove images. It’s not a commentary on those users, and I’m sorry if it causes confusion, offense or hurt feelings. That is not my intention. As they say, it takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch.

There is no easy answer, so I try to strike a balance between being flattered at one or two images pinned and fighting copyright infringement where entire sections are posted to Pinterest, Facebook,, YouTube, or other websites.

As for images posted on other websites, if I can find a way to contact the website owner or blog writer, I try to do so. In cases of foreign language sites and sites without any obvious contact information, my only recourse is to go to the source website or hosting company.

When I contact people about removing my copyrighted works, I address it professionally and in a friendly manner. Sometimes, with the use of Google translate, it doesn’t always come across well. There are also certain legal statements that often need to be included in DMCA reports, and that legal language can seem harsh and unforgiving. I understand that some people don’t understand copyright, so I give the benefit of the doubt as much as possible.

It should go without saying that no one should put their logo on any work that is not their own, but many have done so and not just on any one particular website. I’ve read praises for my work and the work of others, but all of the photos have the writer’s logo or name superimposed on the work. Please do not put your logo or name on my work.

I offer my guidance and ideas free of charge, but my work should also be respected. I always give credit to others when I use their ideas or share their work. I love to create and share ideas on my blog, but I do think the rights of artists should be protected and respected. It bothers me when I find my friends’ works unattributed or copied in whole as well. It’s a fine balance between publicity and infringement. I am doing the best I can.

There is a contact form at the top of the page so you can send me a private message at any time.

Categories: Miniatures


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