Grass and Tree Trunk

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Grass and Tree Trunk
  • Double trouble…or the rest of the story

    Yesterday’s post.

    Roland ponders, “Hmm…what’s this?”

    Sanford asks, “What’s up there?” Roland replies, “Muffins and cookies.”

    Sanford warns, “Be careful. Don’t fall.”

    Roland says, “Pffft. I got this!”

    Sanford whispers, “Someone’s coming…hurry up!”

    I swear there were more muffins and cookies. Huh.

    Categories: Animals and birds, Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
    March 27, 2014 | 0 comments

  • What in the…

    Well, this isn’t good…be back shortly.  :\

    Categories: Animals and birds, Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
    March 21, 2014 | 0 comments

  • Happy Halloween 2013

    I’m a huge fan of Halloween, the kitsch and candy and costumes. But, I’m also a fan of haunted places…places that look normal, but then you smell perfume no longer made, or feel a chill right next to the fire, or hear someone’s voice when there’s no one around. =shudder=

    My Halloween scene this year is dedicated to those haunted places that make you wonder what comes after life. I’ve borrowed the bookcase, Bagnall clock, Miss Kitty (by PamelaJunksMinis), end table and coffee table from the Heritage. The sofa is part of a Bespaq set, and the rug is from Dale’s Dreams. The wallpaper is a delightfully vintage scrapbook paper by Recollections called Remember.

    The same photo in sepia tone is even more haunting.

    Jane of MiniFanaticus made me some delightful autumn minis, and I’ve used a few in the scene: a gourd and pumpkin…

    …some fall leaves, a beautiful centerpiece…

    …and candy corn. If you want a laugh, check out Lewis Black’s skit on candy corn. One of the best I’ve ever heard. :D

    Ophelia rests on the afghan by Mary of Roslyn Treasures. I made the book of Edgar Allan Poe stories.

    The reproduction painting is by Giovanni Boldini of Elizabeth Wharton Drexel, 1905 — borrowed from the Heritage. The burrowing owl is borrowed from Baslow Ranch.

    There’s a wee mouse from Sussex Crafts, too! eeeek! He’s hoping you’ll drop a piece of candy corn. :D

    Wishing you all a very Happy Halloween!  :D

    Does it feel chilly in here? :\

    Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
    October 13, 2013 | 0 comments

  • Midnight Snack

    MinisModernas is running their second annual modern minis contest, and I set up a scene in The Artist’s Studio called “Midnight Snack.”

    Looks like Cora is hungry, too.

    The slippers are from the Heritage, and I couldn’t believe they fit!  :D

    The goldfish crackers are from Cindy at Snowfern Clover.

    Yes, there are tiny goldfish crackers inside. Amazing!

    Here’s what the kitchen looks like without the model setup.

    The hotplate was made by me and is one of my favorite features of the Studio.  :]

    Thank you to MinisModernas for a wonderful modern minis contest! :D

    Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes, The Artist's Studio
    June 1, 2013 | 0 comments

  • Happy Easter from The Haunted Heritage

    Presto! No more Halloween and on to Easter…as long as I don’t show the big autumn tree out front. :D

    Mr. Rabbit is by K. Kuti Designs. The large basket is from Lidi at Basketcase Miniatures, and I made the flower stems from Bonnie Lavish kits. The white basket was purchased and holds eggs I made for The Aero Squadron Lounge.

    The purple flowers in the blue pot are from Michelle of Little Rabbit Minis, and the hydrangeas were purchased.

    The stuffed rabbit is from Sisters Dreams.

    The shutter garden I made for The Artist’s Studio fits well on the Heritage, too. :D

    Happy Easter!!!!  :D

    Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes, The Haunted Heritage
    March 31, 2013 | 0 comments

NOTE: All content on is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in part or in whole. It takes a lot of time and effort to write and photograph for my blog. Please ask permission before reproducing any of my content. (More on copyright)

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